Do you feel embarrassed to make a mistake?
Children sometimes do foolish things that their parents would never have expected, and the parents often say something as follows in the face of the events.
"Why did you do such a thing? You should have thought about the consequence before you would do it."
"Be more thoughtful and don't repeat the same mistake ever again!"
Sure enough, and they can't be more right, only if their children are as experienced as they are. As adults, those parents have lived several decades already, and they have stocks of experiences to recollect and sufficient knowledge to make correct decisions. On the other hand, the world is not the place for children to do things correctly, but it's the place to repeat trials and errors through challenging lots of new things. For children, actions always come before thoughts, and that's exactly why they make lots of mistakes. Then, what about adults?
Since I have been running the community for adults who want to learn English as a second language for years, I often get this question from some beginners: "Is it too late to start studying English at my age?"
My answer is, of course, nothing is too late if they can make their minds like a newborn baby again. However, it is challenging for adults to become language toddlers when they can communicate fluently in their first language. It takes a lot of courage to learn something new after they're older and experienced because they fear making mistakes and facing embarrassments that follow.
Mistakes and embarrassment are essential when beginners learn new things. Tips and advice from experts are, of course, helpful. However, there's no way they can do away with making mistakes before they become good at it.
For example, I started skateboarding a few months ago. And the first thing I learned was falling. Nobody taught me how to fall off safely before I tried, so I just stood on the board and took off, and, on my first ride, I fell off the board and hit my body on the ground so hard. That's how I learned the pain of the sport!
Yes, it does hurt to fall and hit a part of the body. Not only physically, but it also hurts mentally when other people are doing it well. However, if inexperienced skaters stick to the idea that they cannot fall, they will never be brave enough to challenge new tricks. What will take over their mind is a fear of failure. And once they experience a terrible fall, they will be discouraged to continue skating. This psychological principle doesn't only apply to skating but also to various other things in life.
Some people might say that it's best to avoid mistakes and do things perfectly. It's probably true if it's possible to live a perfect life with no mistakes at all. In that case, though, the perfect ones will look down on the average guys who often make mistakes, and those brilliant guys will blame the ordinary guys for their incompetence. Furthermore, since other people would expect those superstars to be flawless, covering their shortcomings will become the excellent ones' biggest concern. Fear would take up their minds all the time, even when they are not in public. Hmm, tough life.
How to fail should be learned, and how to enjoy embarrassing moments should be studied. Why? Because those experiences will teach you how to be resilient, and being resilient makes you able to stand up again soon even after falling. With no fear of mistakes and no sense of embarrassment, nothing can stop your parade. And you will soon be seen as threats among those who are always concerned about maintaining their dignities.
Children grow up to be adults, and they will eventually come to make less mistakes. However, as they get better at doing things, they will come to avoid making mistakes. And that's what puts an end to their growth cycle.
So here's a lesson for adults who want to stay unstoppable. Get hurt, get injured. Don't be afraid of making mistakes and happily get embarrassed in public. As fear lessens, confidence will soar.
子供たちは成長して大人になるにつれ、失敗することも少なくなっていきます。しかし、そうやってうまく立ち回れるようになればなるほど、人は失敗することを避けるようになります。 そして、自らの成長を止めてしまうのです。
本論の冒頭に当たる第二段落では、著者自身の経験から、多くの人が「年を重ねれば重ねるほど新しいことを習得するのは難しい」という思い込みを持っていることを指摘し、その思い込みは必ずしも正しいとは言えないものの、 自分のマインドを赤ちゃんのようにリセットし、失敗や恥をかくことを恐れない状態に持っていくことはなかなかハードルが高い、ということを述べています。
You're making a progress!!!
1. Why do children sometimes do foolish things?
【A】 Because children don't think of the consequences of their actions like adults would do.
2. What are the advantages adults have regarding decision-making?
【A】 Since adults have been living longer than children, they have better knowledge and experiences about life.
3. Is the author saying that the world is the place for children to do the right things?
【A】 No. The author says that it's the place for children to challenge new things and learn from trials and errors.
4. Is it disadvantageous for older people to learn a new language?
【A】 In general, people believe that learning a new language is more tough-going as you get older. However, according to the author, it is not that disadvantageous if the learner isn't hesitant to take the embarrassment of making mistakes like a newborn baby.
5. Why does falling off the skateboard hurt mentally?
【A】 Because you feel embarrassed to fall in front of others who can skate well.
6. Why is it a problem for inexperienced skaters to believe that falling is uncool?
【A】 Because too much pressure would cause them to be fearful, and it makes them withdrawn from new challenges.
7. Why is it important to learn how to fail?
【A】 Because the fear of failure and embarrassment make you weak and less resilient.
Make sure to;
1. Try to read the writer's mind.
2. Find out the thesis of the essay.
3. Imagine the setting and translate it into adequate expressions.
4. Try not to focus only on words but implied nuance so you would keep the spirit in the original alive.
5. Reflect cultural differences, if necessary, to make it easy for readers to comprehend the message correctly.
3. 場面を想定し、ふさわしい表現を使って訳するようにしましょう。
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All sentences in this blog are written by David Yasui, Organizer of SoC English Cafe and Club T-CAT.
🄫 David Yasui & SoC English Cafe
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